Басқару теориясы (теория управления) – әртүрлі жүйелерді, процестерді және объектілерді басқарудың принциптері мен әдістері туралы ғылым. Басқару теориясының әдістері қолдану саласына қарай – кибернетикада, қолданбалы математикада, компьютерлік бағдарламалауда, әлеуметтануда, саясаттануда, құқықтануда, экономикада ерекшеленеді.
This is placeholder text that our web designers put here to make sure words appear properly on your website. This text is going to be…
Yellow Van
This is placeholder text that our web designers put here to make sure words appear properly on your website. This text is going to be…
This is placeholder text that our web designers put here to make sure words appear properly on your website. This text is going to be…
This is placeholder text that our web designers put here to make sure words appear properly on your website. This text is going to be…
This is placeholder text that our web designers put here to make sure words appear properly on your website. This text is going to be…
This is placeholder text that our web designers put here to make sure words appear properly on your website. This text is going to be…
This is placeholder text that our web designers put here to make sure words appear properly on your website. This text is going to be…
This is placeholder text that our web designers put here to make sure words appear properly on your website. This text is going to be…
Post Two
This is placeholder text that our web designers put here to make sure words appear properly on your website. This text is going to be…
Paragraphs are separated by a blank line. Test Image The second paragraph. This is placeholder text that our web designers put here to make…
Paragraphs are separated by a blank line. Test Image The second paragraph. This is placeholder text that our web designers put here to make…
Paragraphs are separated by a blank line. Test Image The second paragraph. This is placeholder text that our web designers put here to make…